Friday, October 5, 2012


Many tarot readers have a difficult time when court cards enter. Sometimes it's difficult to determine whether a court card represents an actual person, a personality or energy being manifested, and / or event that will happen.The reason court cards can be difficult is because they compass many different meanings. In the court card we have the Knights.


Knights permeate their knowledge. Swords, an air element, generally indicate problems, difficult circumstances, stress, and having the ability to vocalize your concerns. For me this card usually comes up when someone has voiced their opinion about something important to them, and the message sent out comes back with an answer that is pure in nature, however, direct, tight-fisted, and at it's worst - with cruel intentions. You may win a victory with the Knight of Swords but you will not beat this knight in an argument. He feels mentally you've challenged or disrespected him, so now he must lecture you about what you've done wrong. Knight of Wands, the element of fire, usually debates about passions. This could be about art, music or a project they've been working on. Knight of Wands perceives his ideas as being unique and revolutionary. He will get you to come to his side to see the beauty in Michelangelo's painting if he feels that passionate about it. The Knight of Cups, the element of water, is more emotional. He is a dreamer and at times wants everyone to operate according to his feelings. The Knight of Cups enjoys the beauty in many things. When you want something done fast, you can't really rely on this Knight. He gets it completed, but it may take him a long time. The Knight of Pentacles, the element of earth, can be someone whom is stingy with their money. This person will name drop, talk about all their nice cars, how much money they have, but your yet to see any of it. Sometime he brings us news concerning money, be it good or bad. The Knight of Pentacles can be somewhat cautious about making any long-term decisions.


The Knight of Swords appears if there is travel by air. The Knight of Swords moves the fastest, so the method of travel would generally be that of the fastest - which I would indicate travel in an airplane. But because he's the part of the swords suit, I would generally look around to see what type of problem there might be with traveling. I'll get into pairing combinations in another posting. The Knight of Wands travels by car, bus, or train. Depending on the surrounding cards, if you ask about a new car and this card shows up, I think you'll likely get it. The Knight of Cups is travel by water or boat. When this comes up related to travel, maybe you impatient about taking a trip or getting away on your honeymoon. The Knight of pentacles is travel by foot. In the Universal Waite's imagery of this Knight, he is not moving. So let's say that you purchased a car off of E-bay, and you want to know if the car you just purchased was a good deal. Getting this card might indicate that the car you purchased is a lemon and you'll be walking back to the seller to get your money back.


As an event, Knights usually indicate someone approaching your life soon, or leaving. I've noticed that the Knight of Cups means someone is about to enter your life gradually. On an emotional level this could be a casnova, or someone who is taking their time with making a commitment, maybe there not emotionally invested in a relationship. The Knight of Swords generally indicates meeting someone fast, but I've seen where the que'rent didn't welcome this meeting, or it happens so fast they are just going with the flow of things. The Knight of Wands is a different story. I've seen many clients happy to see this person. This is one of those meetings where you've been hoping someone approaches you and they do. However, just because this describes a person that is about to approach you, doesn't mean they're there to stay. Wands are fire, so this encounter was influenced by passion and requires a decisive judgment call on where this encounter will lead. With the Knight of Pentacles, I've seen this card indicating a relationship that is stale. Usually a relationship that is not moving, or the person is not moving. You're attracted to someone, but neither of you want to lie the foundation out to get it going, and moving in the right direction. Or maybe there is a fear of rejection, or ego at stake. The Knight of Cups usually comes up when someone is about to leave you life. This could be a relationship than is near it's peak of ending, perhaps a relative going back to their native country, someone dear passing away, or an acquaintance losing interest in developing a connection. Either way, the Knight continues to move.

To contact me or schedule an appointment, please visit : MAJORS OF THE ARCANA


  1. Interesting...even fascinating although I know next to nothing about Tarot...I wouldn't count it out today as I would have 10 or more years ago.

    1. Hello Annie, thank you so much for responding. I just created this blog so hopefully it takes off. Tarot has a lot of information. It's fun, yet challenging at times. But back to you, I hope one of these days you'll be able to make me a limited edition bag from your collection!
